Oh, she is surviving it so well. They all do but it is a matter of pretending they are not good at surviving this stage with all the high stress, the physical, emotional and psychological difficulties.
It is her 41 weeks, the baby is very happy to spend extra cosy time so close to his mummy. However, mummy is working full time, & she has been speaking to a father of a patient who was vocally abusive and tiring. She is doing great in front of the father & the patient, but the palpitation is getting worse, the back pain is unbearable, and the oedema is making her look a bit funny, especially with those big ugly shoes on.
Well, it is one of those really busy time, she has hardly had anything to eat since her breakfast at 7:30 am, oh it is 12:30 pm, there is a patient at one and it’s prayer time, so off she goes to pray, and then she has to see the other patient who takes an hour, a hyperactive lovely child that takes the remaining energy. 2:30, it is time to go home.
Well, she had the baby thanks to Allah. She gets 50 days maternity leave granted then she has to take her own annual leave. Than back to work, oh excuse me we don’t have breast feeding hour, and your patients are waiting and you got to get own with life, nothing exists as a part-time job, you’re neither the first mother nor the last one. And anyway , WHO CARES!..
It is very tough being pregnant alone, and it is tougher when the laws don't help, I’ve read somewhere along time ago that working mothers are more prone to deliver by a caesarean section. Personally I’ve seen it in the area I work at, the stress and fatigue you go through can drive you crazy.
Are we aiming to have ill-fitted mothers to work side by side with men, do same work as men, than take care of our kids while not considering the different biological needs? How can children be raised the way they should be when we are not being appreciated and taken care of???
Wish laws would change, we don't ask for a lot, but for extra appreciation and help. I guess it is different everywhere. But I really believe that we should think about women regarding this matter.
Gratitude, Goals and Trying Not To Cry
2 weeks ago
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